Not sure wether to feel really lucky for being close or unlocky to be so close but so far🤣🥲
What’s the one shiny you just can’t get?
Had a hundo run from me on my alt account, just went home after that🥲😂
How many shinies did yall get from Ralts community day?
Giveaway Time! Please read the Description. LF - Offering
I raided 35 times for Ho-Oh. No shiny. I raid once for each form of Deoxys (something I wasn’t too excited about obtaining but wanted for the dex) and both were shiny 😭😒
Did I just beat the game?
Should I purify one of these?
What's the worst mistake you ever made in pokemon go? Check this out he used to be a shadow 4*...
Do I purify my shiny Ho-Oh?
This is a joke...
Which is worth evolving more need opinions
Paid the autocatcher tax today, hard. Oops :(
What a day…🫣
I had to use Premium passes because I kept getting rubbish until now
Wailmer update: I have surpassed 2100 wailmers
Look what I got batman😈
Just used my first masterball on this
I CAUGHT THIS GUY TODAY!!!! :) Is still that rare IN THE WILD(in non event times)?
Pretty good community day how about u guys?
1028 Checks. What shiny too you forever ?
Thanks Pokemon Go
So... this loading screen was just a big fat lie?
Is this a flex?