Does anyone know what the round glasses that scream "I'm non-binary" are called? kinda like the ones in this pic (I love having an excuse to plug LiS)
Out of memory error? I was playing fine an hour ago
Anyone know how to make a luna snow ult replacer mod?
Can you make it to, for example Eternity with Luna Snow?
I can never have anything good ever lmfao
Can anyone please tell me what blocks were used for this build? Especially the roof and the blocks above the bottom right door. I can't really recognize any of them :(
Minecraft exit code -1073741819
Minecraft Exit Code -1073741819
Delay when equipping tools from hotbar?
Anyone know of how to bind emotes to keys?
Does anyone else fucking HATE the new Ship UI and find it unreadable?
Can power sink cause Tesloose/singuloose?
Does anyone have a MIDI for The Last of Us' main theme?
How can I level up my heroes faster?
How to Make lexorin?
[TOMT][Music][Mid 2000's][Punk/Emo Rock (I think)] Music video with a singer that has pink hair, and she goes around spraying graffiti in the city at night while running from the cops?
[TOMT][Music Video][Mid 2000's] Punk/Emo music video with a singer who has pink hair and goes around the down spraying graffiti? At the end her and a whole bunch of other street artists gang up on a cop
How can I make my DPI Shift button a toggle instead of hold? (G502 X Plus)
Does anyone else gaslight themselves into thinking they don't have BPD
Feeling really stressed and uncertain while shopping for clothes
I'm looking to get some vines and fairylights, and combine them together; does anyone have recommendations on quality fairylights and fake vines?
If we get a fourth faction, I would LOVE for it to have some horror/body horror elements
I wish i had This dynamic
Better go on Marty McGravy