Is anyone else surprised by their own skepticism?
[April 5 to 11] Weekly positivity thread—What are some of the good things happening in your life?
We must plan for a permanent pandemic
The plot structure of AoT is incredible
In defiance of state law, Mayor Erin Mendenhall says mask mandate will continue in Salt Lake City 4/7/21
How to argue against the "but people will die" line
Overheating on runs on cool days - clothes advice?
I think I've found the ultimate circle jerk.
The question "how can you run so much"
Vents Wednesday: weekly thread for vents
42% of Americans have gained weight over the past year. The average weight gain was 29 pounds. Millennials gained the most at 41 pounds
Enterprise SDR vs AWS partner SDR vs SMB AE
Current Attorney thinking a out getting out of Law
went from preparing for law school to SaaS sales - was this the right move?
Are trial based programs making SDRs obsolete?
How do I get over industry switch jitters? Is this the right move?
A Note to the Hedgie Lurkers
I just bought $5,000 in $GME. I would not have done this if the brokerages didn't try to manipulate the market.
Lost touch: how a year without hugs affects our mental health
Don’t see the point anymore.
Young people asked how pandemic has affected them; 64% said they were feeling like they were "missing out on being young"
I think I've found a really effective cold approach strategy: "you look really familiar..."
Take Heart - Things Are Changing For the Better in US-based companies on getting back to work
"Girls won't make you happy" and other ideas
Does teasing or pulling the leg of a girl in a friendly/fun way somehow gets her to like you?
How do you know if a "dating coach" is legit?