Illuminate loadout
Too muddy?
To reinforce or not to reinforce
Hades Boss Full AFK Fight
Newer player - Whats the deal with the rifle? (maybe spoiler?)
Rogal Dorn - meltas or stubbers
Would really like to improve my shading/layering/highlighting, any tips would be great!
Field Ordnance Batteries options in light of the new codex
What is the best Leman Russ variant?
After seeing Nosferatu. what other classic monsters ya wanna see Eggers do? They can be from any culture or myth
Have they been selling the same Leman Russ model for 30 years?
Codex Leak Conjecture
Ideas For Proxying Combat Engineers
How good is First Rank fire, Second Rank fire?
Got gifted solar auxilia battle group. Need help deciding what to proxy them as
Leontus is dead, mech guard is dead, tempestus are dead. Time for a new list, is this viable in the new era? How are you guys adjusting to the update?
How do people differentiate between different infantry squads
Double command squads
I actually really like lord solar, he is one of the models that got me into the army. but a head swap felt mandatory
Raise your Crozius if you need an update
Best cheap Russ
Is it time to let go of the Valkyrie?
Leviathan box value