Is there any way to avoid or minimize loose skin?
Does anyone else look like a completely different person after only ~15-20lbs of weight loss?
I've accepted I'm going to be single forever 🥲 (Vent)
I'm starting to watch Breaking Bad for the first time, ever. Make a joke or reference in the comments that I won't get yet, but will once I finish the series.
Late period...?
Upper respiratory symptoms
Need to move, but I've never left my hometown. Need recommendations!
At our wits end, will likely lose our house in the next 1-2 months
What are the absolute MUSTS for finding the right church?
My Method of Resisting Sin... Try it!
Goodbye Christian Reddit
i had a medical abortion.
I spent my day listening to Shari’s book today, and I just finished it.
I have to get my wisdom tooth removed. What should I do?
What colour is the name Zion to you?
Attaching random places with certain thoughts/memories/concepts. Is this synesthesia?
DAE feel a strong shameful sensation when falling asleep?
Please pray for me. Please pray so I wouldn’t have to leave the country I live in until next summer (2025). Thank you for praying, it means a lot!!
Mom damned me to hell.
Converting feels like I'm giving up everything I enjoy