This kid is going to be the end of me
Kayte has turned Kings games into her own personal Podcast at this point
She seems like a pleasure
The three women most concerned about the fashion sense of their partners have zero style themselves.
Update to the teacher yelling at me yesterday
If a student has to be escorted between classes due to behavior, they should be expelled.
Have you ever had a kid that you just don’t like?
Student thought I was vaping in class.
Long term assignment
I want to leave
Madison - I woke up like this - not really
What knowledge gaps have truly shocked you?
I think I'm going to ignore my admin observation notes
I got written up
Made a student cry today
First year teacher stress and possibly quitting
Children’s teeth gross me out
I teach English at a university. The decline each year has been terrifying.
Should I be embarrassed about being a 24yr old garbage man?
I'm Tired of It
It's not a conversation
You know those relationships they want us to build with the kids?
Visiting previous students