Anyone else unhappy about this new rule?
Scammer selling resealed Pokemon packs on whatnot
Is there a chance for me to get PSA 10?
What Got For MSRP After Checking So Many Times - Not Buying More at These Prices.
Should Pokémon start distributing directly to stores rather than their current distribution process?
Are these cats or dogs??
Shrouded Fable all of a sudden this week…
How do I convince my wife that this IS feng shui?
Too off center for psa?
Better long term investment wise Graded 10 Twilight Masq. Greninja or Paldean Fates Charizard
Centering percentage on the front?
What on earth is going on
Giving away two Costco Scarlet & Violet 151 Blooming Waters Premium Collection sets to two redditors because %*#@ scalpers
I miss my nasty streets and polluted air!!!
Hobby is the worst ever
Gamestop PSA Results 29 cards
Need To See More Of You Guys With Newer Tacomas Out Using Them!
Pure comedy
Do these have a chance at a 10?
Pokemon “investors” think we should buy battle styles and vivid voltage to build our decks…
I think this launch has made me decide to leave the hobby…
What are your thoughts about this?
Local shop wants to know why?