YNAB Positive CC Balance Docs Wrong?

Here's what happened -
I got an unexpected large reimbursement in one of my credit cards of about 300, which gives the card a balance of roughly -150

YNAB automatically assigned this inflow to the category, which then showed up as "money available" for the category.

According to YNAB docs (https://support.ynab.com/en\_us/credit-cards-with-a-positive-balance-an-overview-By\_H6uzJo) this money should have been added to 'ready to assign'

So I just moved the extra available money back to 'ready to assign'.

According to this YNAB doc (https://support.ynab.com/en\_us/the-budget-header-an-overview-BkmiuJ\_C9#RTABreakdown) money from an "overpaid credit card" (ie, a positive balance) should show up in the 'ready to assign breakdown' on web - I don't see that.

Otherwise, things seem to work as expected - adding a test transaction on the CC doesn't add to the CC payment until I go over the amount of the positive balance


  • did I handle the CC inflow correctly? My understanding is that CC inflows should be assigned to the relevant category, not ready to assign

  • what is the mental model of this ready to assign money? It's weird to me that YNAB considers this ready to assign, but it's a credit on a specific card. I can't withdraw that money 300 from ATM.
