Accept and Complete Quests At Click Of a Button?
I'm farming dailies at the moment, and one of the most annoying parts of it is having to click accept, continue and complete quest.
I'm wondering if there's a way to do all that, at a click of a button.
NOTE: I don't want it automatic, because I read quest text when I'm levelling alts. What I'm looking for is like, holding control and clicking the NPC with the quest, and completing it automatically (Except those with option rewards). It would save a lot of time.
Is there a way to do this in game, or is there an addon that I could use?
ADDONS I WON'T USE: Just putting this here because I got a few suggestions for things that I already know of, but don't deliver what I want them to do.
- Immersion
- Azeroth Auto Pilot