Be extremely careful with Warbanks

Haven’t seen any posts about it yet but I can confirm that the warbank is indeed eating some items. I haven’t tested extensively but it looks like unique items can vanish if you put them in on one character, then log on to another with more than the unique cap in their bags.

For example, I noticed that the bombs you can purchase from dragonscale expedition to open up closed caves in the dragon isles have a unique (20) tag. You can put 15 in your warbank, log on to a character with 10 in their bags, and the ones in the warbank vaporize.

I’d also like to say that as someone who plays on two accounts the design of warbanks needs work. You should be able to at least see the contents of the warbank and deposit into it on the second account in the same way that pets work on two accounts. The warbank is next level hard to use on the second account.