Possible deal on a Nissan Rogue 2017

Hi, M25 from Quebec, Canada buying my first car. I wanna preface by saying that I'm aware of the numerous potential issues in the Rogue. I just wanna know if this deal is worth taking the risk. My gf's parents are planning to downsize their Rogue 2017 to a sedan and is asking us if we wanna purchase it at the remaining balance. The car is financed at 42000$ (fully equipped, incl. interest, taxes) over 7 years and has an extended warranty for the entire duration. In June, the car will be 4 years old with less than 37000km and that's when my gf and I would be taking over the financing with 18k left to pay over 3 years. If I can potentially save on interest by paying it off cash, I will be doing so. The car is in great condition according to her parents (whom we do trust), but I will be asking for a full inspection anyways. Thoughts?