GUYS. I didn’t know I had a class on Mondays.

Hiiii. So yeah, I messed up. Basically, I’m figuring this out at six in the morning. But I’m in a psych research methods class, and when I got back from winter break on Monday night, I took a picture of my class schedule from MyU. I didn’t realize that the week I took the photo from was that week where we had Monday off because of MLK Day, so I naturally thought I had no class on Mondays. Then I was thinking, I have an exam for this class on Monday. How does that make sense? I checked Schedule Builder and found out the class is actually MWF 😭. But it’s alright because the lecture notes are posted online haha. Man, what a way to start the day lolll. If anyone in the class could send me their notes from Jan 27th, Feb 3, or yesterday I would really appreciate it! Just in case the slides don’t cover everything. Alright, that it’s thanks for reading.