I was testing TWOW and Frame Generation(LSFG), and wow the difference is actually massive.

If anyone is interested in getting higher FPS here's a guide you can follow, this universally works for every game but works surprisingly well with WoW. I will assume you're already using vanilla tweaks and vanilla fixes. If not you can check out turtlewow wiki. These settings mainly focus on GPU driver settings and utilizing frame generation to get double the fps with better graphics quality.

Nvidia Control Panel

  1. Anisotropic filtering - 16x
  2. Low Latency Mode - Off (outdated, ultra mode is very taxing on the CPU and is know to cause major stuttering)
  3. Vertical Sync - On ('on' massively benefits if you have G-sync/free-sync monitor + frame cap)


In-game Video Settings

  • Vertical sync in game should be OFF


Adding Frame Cap

Fps capping is important for LSFG to work without issues, it also mitigates the input lag that vsync causes and also helps GPU's frame scheduling. Vertical Sync(v-sync) on its own isn't great but G-sync/free-sync + vsync + fps cap is what we want. You can add a fps cap by either nvidia/amd control panel or by using a software such as RTSS, I chose RTSS. You'll need to add wow.exe and put a fps cap of whatever your in-game fps is most of the time, my game runs in the range of 60 to 90 fps so I set the fps cap to 75.


Lossless Scaling

I can't praise this piece of software enough. This software integrates frame generation to a 20 year old game, I didn't think it could but it did. Not only will you get double the fps but your image quality also improves. This massively helps in heavy population areas such as SW and Ogri where fps dips happen frequently.


Selecting x2 in LSFG 3.0, means if your raw frames are around 60 your generated frames will be 60x2 =120 fps, hence the fps capping is necessary for LSFG. Only caveat is Lossless scaling will cost you $7 on steam, but if you are crafty enough you can find a free copy lying here or there on few other subreddits. To activate LSFG, open lossless scaling software, open game, while in game window press CTRL+ALT+S. You'll know its working when you see tiny fps overlay on top left (something like 70/140) you'll also notice objects close and in distance look less blurry.