My personal experience with New Rega ND5 comparing to Exact 2 Cartridge

There has been frustratingly almost no content to compare the new line of Rega cartridges to the previous models, so I'm hoping this will help some people make a decision. Upgrade or not. Embarrassingly I have 6 modern model turntables and a baaaad case of FOMO, especially for brands I'm a fanboy of, like Rega.

Given that it's been a decade since Rega released new cartridges, it was a fair assumption that the new ND range were a true upgrade. I'm not tech savvy cartridge design guy, but the ultra-high powered Neodymium magnet is the core "revolution" of the ND series. The ND5 and Exact 2 are priced the same and would be shooting for the same mid range buyer.

So I kept my P3 with the Exact 2 and purchased a NEW P3 with an ND5. Using exact same setup. Rega MM MK5 phono stages and KEF LS550 powered speakers. (Don't judge you audiophiles...they are fire).

*Cartridge Size*

The ND series cartridges are much deeper than the older cartridges. The stylus protrudes with less protection. I am sure this will all affect mounting and balancing, but my factory installed cartridge was super easy to work with in set up. Going to have to worry about protecting that stylus.


The Exact 2 has always been my favorite. It is very warm and has a very good soundstage. The bass is punchy. If anything I'd say the high end can be a little muted. Not muddy...just not as detailed. The ND5 blows the Exact away. It's extremely open with amazing separation and clarity. I though the Exact would be hard to beat. Not at all. I hear detail I haven't heard on my A/T Shibata VM95 or my Ortofon Black.


ND5 wins here hands down. The new magnets do put out greater volume. I've cranked it and there is zero distortion.


This was a big fear. I'm a basshead and the Exact has, IMO, excellent sub bass and that thump that is so satisfying for EDM, pop and Rap. I actually like the bass response on the ND5, but it's definitely different. There is a very tight punchy bass response, but no rumble. Given the excellent separation, the mid bass shines on the ND5. There is what I would call it a balanced bass response and the mid and treble makes it fuller, but it sounds excellent. I'll still use my Exact for the deeper bass I love, but pop records just sound better on the ND5. Jazz sounds better with the warmth of Exact.

So in summary, is the ND5 a MAJOR upgrade, and would I upgrade and give up my Exact 2? YES and yes. I'm so glad I don't have to lose the Exact completely, but it would be an easy choice to get the superb ND5.

Hope this helps!