Albums defaulting to non explicit versions, aka radio versions? Who decided this is a good idea?
First off, In case anyone else finds this post having the same issue, you can change to the explicit version here:
Secondly, a feature request to Spotify devs: Please make a toggle switch to set the default to explicit versions of albums/songs in global settings.
Or at least make it easier to switch like a button at the top or a toggle in the Discography viewer.
And finally, I need to vent a bit about this bs,
This change is simply a quality of live downgrade for 90% of users IMHO.
Why do I have to go down to the bottom of the song list on an album and click "X more release" a bloody dropdown to switch to the explicit version I don't know a single person who has ever been happy about having to listen to a radio version of a song.
And why do you allow both the ablums to have the same names and the only differentiation is the "E" tags on songs, not even the album name. And not even an option to select the explicit album from the Duscigraogy section. Honestly lads what the hell is this design? I guess this is the shit that happens when you fire all your UX designers to cut costs.