What is your headcanon on the shattered glass version of not only Unicron and Primus, but the 13 Primes as well

I think that Primus still created the 13 primes in order to defeat Unicron, however the same thing with the younger the prime, the more rebellious they are. Therefore making Megatronus more open to the Outlook of Unicron and trying to maintain life while Primus was trying to exert his own will on the universe. This led him to rebelling against the 12 remaining primes and using the power of Unicron in order to defeat them while Primus was turned into the planet of Cybertron after his defeat.

Megatronus, would have exerted all his energy and therefore froze in the cold void of space.

Here are some headcanons for the 13

Prima: was the first born from Primus and therefore held his ideal of supremacy and strength being the way to go

Vector Prime: completely chaotic when it came to using his time abilities, mainly used to create disastrous hypothetical situations and immediately rewind time so he can do it all again just for the fun of it

Solus prime: she loved making weapons purely for destruction and when it came time, silently enjoying it and not being so open tempered but mainly staying away from most of her fellow primes. . . Except megatronus

Onyx prime: the middle prime born, instead of focusing on spirituality, he decided to focus on the now and what's happening. Since he was the middle child of the Primes, he was able to somewhat empathize with Megatronus and his idelas, but believed that in order to preserve, they needed to spread out Primus and his light.