Difficulty Staying Motivated

I learned TM in the fall of 2023 and I haven’t missed a day since. I’ve never had a session that felt particularly meaningful, but I’m stubborn, and love a streak, so I’ve kept it up. My mental health has definitely improved in the last year and a half, but I’ve also started treatment for ADHD and anxiety, and my husband got a new job after a long period of unemployment — so I can’t say how much to attribute to any one avenue of change.

I had several checkings with my teacher in the first year, just in case I was doing something “wrong.” She and I never really hit it off, but it was fine. I received the standard advice to not apply effort and just keep meditating. Sometime last fall, my teacher left the local org. I’ve had two checkings with her replacement, and if anything I think I vibe with him even less than my first teacher. Would it be worth reaching out to another teacher for a checking, or just keep plodding along? Over the last month, I’ve only been meditating once a month instead of twice, most days, and I’m starting to worry I’ll fall out of practice entirely.