TIFU by forgetting I was in Scotland.

Repost because my old post dissappeared🤷🏽‍♂️ . Last weekend I visited an old college roommate up north of England. We took a day trip to Scotland and came by this little marked. There were handmade trinkets, food and clothes being sold, and we wandered around for a few hours tasting lager and local whisky. Blissfully existing. Now to the FU

I was looking at these handmade woodland creatures on a table, studying the beautiful handcarved animals. At this point I had drank quite a bit, but I wasn't fully drunk, just slightly dazed. I had been standing there a while when I must have told the man i wanted one of the figures. To the question "which" I replied a bird. He pointed to a bird that was leaning to the ground eating seeds, smiled and said "peck" Taken aback I nodded, smiled and replied "peck peck" The guy chuckled as he looked at me "no ye fuckface. Peck one. Choose one. Which one d'ya want" My face flamed and I wish the ground would swallow me whole. I got my bird and he got a laugh.

TL;DR: a scotsman used the word "peck" and I assumed he talked about a bird pecking, not asking me to pick something