I’m glad ________ went home

Morriah. Honestly homegirl deserved to go home with that corny ass speech at tribal council 🥴 felt like she was talking about a kids soccer game. “Oh you know we still won because we gave it our all!” No, y’all lost. If it was me, I would not have been proud or happy about that. I get that she’s trying to give it a positive spin, and given she’s a teacher it makes sense. I’m all for the “never say die” attitude. But girllllll come on, be for real. Don’t sit there smiling at tribal about how everyone’s a winner. Cuz if y’all were winners you wouldn’t have been sitting there. 🤭 I’m glad Jeff pushed back on that a bit.

I literally predicted preseason that she’d be first out of that tribe and I was right. I loved her positivity but that just does NOT typically work on Survivor. I feel like Maryanne was an anomaly in that sense, but even she recognized when she needed to shut off the emotions and cut the best players. Idk maybe I’m being a bit harsh but it was so clear to me she wasn’t going to be long for the game.