What very minor superpower would make someone an extrmely talented boxer?

Need help coming up with ideas for a superpower/special ability for one of my OCs who is a boxer, but I dont want him to be too outwardly superhuman. I dont want his power up to be so noticeable that he's blatantly just a superpowered individual.

I'm thinking superhuman stamina, but then again, I feel like thats too noticeable, going 15 rounds at maximum exertion without ever slowing down would be an easy way to get suspected of cheating or doping or PED usage.

I was gonna go with foresight/future vision to see his opponents moves coming, but then again, my OC in character would just use it to cheat his way and rob every casino on the planet and get filthy rich.

My last option was superstrength, but he's a relatively small heavyweight boxer (5'9" and 219 lbs) who is known for his speed and agility rather than his destructive power, so people would easily think he's cheating if he suddenly was dropping pro boxers in 1-2 rounds.

Any suggestions? Pls also explain the mechanics of it in detail if you can.