Sources for approval of Zelensky in Ukraine

Wondering if anybody has any sources/info about support for Zelensky in Ukraine? Obviously no sane person thinks that it is 4%, but I am a bit skeptical of the 57% percent claim being touted by the media in response to Trump's statement, all sourced from "The Ukrainian Institute of Sociology." I haven't found any other recent polls. Obviously as an American observer it is hard to get a legit feel for the credibility of any given academic sounding institute in a foreign country. In general I don't find these numbers unbelievable, but I am wondering where to even begin with credibly assessing this sort of question. Obviously polls can only be so reliable (with the potential for meddling and such, especially given the tight control over media in Ukraine right now), but it would be nice to see some other polls as well as other means of assessing this question.