Just stopped smoking and from a different perspective, it’s working.
Very quickly - I’m 45. Didn’t have my first cigarette till I was 30. I know that’s weird but it’s the truth. Smoking roughly 10 per day. If I’m drinking booze then 20. Thankfully I drink booze maybe once per month.
I started getting a pain in my left arm. I’d call it my “opposite elbow” but it’s the bendy part on the opposite side of the elbow. Searing pain. Very sore.
But ONLY when I smoked. Then it would go away, I tested it by smoking again and BAM! pain is back,
Turns out I have Buerger's disease (also known as thromboangiitis obliterans) affects blood vessels in the body, most commonly in the arms and legs. Blood vessels swell, which can prevent blood flow, causing clots to form. This can lead to pain, tissue damage, and even gangrene (the death or decay of body tissues).
So… it’s been a week, cold turkey.. not touch one smoke. But now I’m sitting here writing to you lovely people. With some whiskey (I’m Scottish) thinking….. I’d love a wee smoke the now.
But but…, literally. One more smoke could be the one that kills me.
The reason for my post is this… why do we let it go this far? Surely we know from the first smoke..,, we’re fucked!?
Top secret. My parents smoked and I hated it all my life. Would run through the house with my jumper pulled up just so I wouldn’t sniff it.
Now … I turned 30 and started puffing?
Love to you all! I truly TRULY hope y’all beat this horrible evil x x