Help! Life is not Satiating.

I had my first cigarette at the age of 12, and smoked until the age of 31. I am now 6 weeks smoke free. I used chantix for the first two weeks then tapered off aggressively (I highly recommend the chantix route).

My question to r/stopsmoking is this:
Is there anyone else out there with a few weeks or months under their belt that is having a hard time finding life's small pleasures to be enough?

I feel like every meal I have, any sex I have, any rewarding experience just doesn't quite give me what I'm looking for.

Im still waiting for the nicotine buzz to come and be the cherry on top of all my small and daily pleasures.

Someone tell me this goes away, and that eventually, a good meal will feel better than a meal + cigarette ever did.

tell me that life will be worth living without nicotine, that life's pleasures will eventually be enough to fill the void cigarettes left ya know?