How do you talk to yourself during cravings?

As I was commenting on another post, I figured out I have set a few strategies of selftalk whenever cravings hit. What are the things you think/tell yourself during a craving?

Sharing mine below:

  • I do not need to smoke. The human body is not designed to smoke or take drugs. I am complete on my own.

  • My body is now healing from years of nicotine usage, I will give it more time to recover and feel better without any artificial stimulant.

  • Being an addict is like the big elephant who is tied on the foot with a tiny chain. The elephant can totally break it, but he grew up thinking that it was stronger than him so he does not try.

  • Think if that elephant managed to break that chain, and now he wants to willfully go back and tie himself with it. It is ridiculous, isn't it? But the power of addiction makes us do ridiculous things. Elephant big, chain tiny :)

  • I created myself a symbolic equation to remember when I think a cigarette will make me feel good. Because that hit a cigarette gives you is not an illusion (not at first). I try to visualise that smoking gives me +2 dopamine units and later on it brings me to -8 level (making me feel bad and not enjoy anything else fully, unless I smoke).

So basically it's not about how enjoyable that one cigarette is, it is about how bad you will feel later, if you do not have another one. It is practically a kidnapping of your "feel good" system: you will feel bad if you don't come back here to get your fix. The +2 is the "reward" which we think we want, the -8 is the real hook that makes us come back.