Player 120 was the most developed character in all of season 2

I was absolutely blown away by this character.

In many tv series, the token anything of a marginalized community is often reduced to just that. A gay character's entire personality revolves around being gay, a transgender character's entire personality is revolved around that, etc.

That was not the case here.

The show did not shy away from broaching some of the more sensitive topics of being transgender in Korea, such as the intergenerational divide (evidenced by the grandmother's difficulty understanding transgenderism with the son hushing her when she mistakenly asked somewhat intrusive questions) or the fact that transgender individuals - particularly in the military - get discriminated against (which explains why 120 wanted to move to Thailand). Side note, there was actually a big case in South Korea revolving a transgender soldier a few years back that ended tragically, though I won't delve more into that here.

At the same time, this character was multifaceted and demonstrated a complex set of traits, skills, and interests that do not necessarily conform to stereotypes, but also makes it clear that there's also nothing wrong with conforming to stereotypes. For example, though 120's interactions with Young-mi do conform to what we envision stereotypical relationships between transgender women and cisgender women, 120's badass leadership in combat and thorough knowledge of firearms was very impressive.

Overall, I was thoroughly impressed. Went into the season not expecting much from this character, but this character became my favorite of the season.

Something to note: I am not transgender, nor even a member of the LGBTQ community, so I don't think I am the final authority on this - just my thoughts as a casual viewer.