Can a soul die before the body?

A Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life. It cannot die before or after the body. It is deathless. It is birthless. It is energy. Haven't we learned that energy cannot be created or destroyed? It can only be transformed from one form to another. So is the Soul. It is the energy of life. We are conceived in that moment when two cells are energized by the Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. Then we arrive on earth, we grow old and we die. When the body dies, the Soul departs, then there is no breath. It is the Soul that gives us breath from birth to death. The Soul leaves us, it doesn't die. The Soul has no Karma. The Soul is part of SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power we call God. Therefore, we must not confuse the Soul with the body or with the mind and ego, which says, ‘ME’. The Soul is Divine energy.