Sleep train fail

Hired a consultant, LO has always sucked at sleeping and the 4 month regression hit us hard. Everything needed work, and my brain was mush from not having slept longer than 2.5 hours in 5 months, so I took the easy way out with an expert.

Followed her guidance, meticulously going by wake windows (to a fault IMO), ditched the soother, strategic napping, bedtime and AM wake up. Did everything for 9 days, every day being told it would get better. It didn’t. He was miserable, I was miserable. Night 1: 37 mins

Night 2: 30

Night 3: 15

Night 4: 24 (and screaming)

Night 5: 7 minutes + 1.2 hour long false start

Night 6: 32 (absolute screaming the whole time)

Night 7: 27 (screaming)

Night 8: 70

Night 9: 31

Bed time never got easier, he never got less upset. He was 5 months the day we started.

We also sleep trained naps, at the same time. Varying lengths from 30seconds to 20 minutes of crying beforehand

Has anyone else experienced this??

SC’s schedule 2.25/2.25/2.5/2.5/2.5 His cuing sched 2/2.25/2.25/2.25/2.25

He typically shows sleepy cues at 2 hours and as the day goes on he tolerates them a bit longer.