How do you have self-worth, confidence, or self-esteem if you genuinely lack any good qualities?
I know this has been posted on Reddit before, but I've never seen a satisfying solution that works for me.
People either say "oh, you must/do have something", which is unfortunately not always true. There is nothing that determines a person must intrinsically have a good quality. Some people just don't have any, and I am one of them.
The second answer I see is "create/develop a good quality". For the majority of people this is true, but unfortunately it doesn't work for me. I have tried to develop good qualities throughout my whole life, but I have failed. I am unintelligent, unattractive, possess no creative skills, no technical skills, no sporting skills, no social skills, etc etc. I have tried to develop all of these over the years. Likewise, I have no good personal characteristics. I try to be kind, supportive, charismatic, sociable, etc etc, but I always fail, often because I just lose control of my emotions and end up hurting or annoying people. I have no professional success, I never did as well in education as I wanted to (especially considering how hard I worked), and I have never won anything nor achieved anything of note.
With this in mind, it is very unclear to me how I am supposed to feel anything but self-hatred and self-loathing (or, at best, self-pity)? How am I meant to have any confidence or self-worth?
I don't understand it. I've spoken to multiple therapists about this over the years but none of them have been able to help whatsoever.
Thank you in advance.