S Craig Zahler - New Update

In a youtube review of heavy metal, Zahler provides a small update:

My next feature film, there were delays. I was supposed to already be shooting and this is the way it goes he's like this actor schedule becomes this, financing this, we've got to move this shoot location. I hope to be shooting something in the not too distant future. I have the the Bookie the Bruiser that was announced and I've got a I've got a solid cast with that but that stuff shifts over time and I'll see where that goes I have a couple of other projects in that World. Hope to have some more concrete movie announcement developments in the near future.


I had a uh noise Power Electronics death industrial whatever sort of Music concrete sort of between all those genres album I released with my songwriting partner Jeff Harriet., We do all the music for my movies and we do the Epic doomy band realm Builder this is called Mind scrubber and it's on chondritic sound if you like noise and it's pretty noisy as you might expect it's not a it's not all harsh noise wall you probably got about seven minutes of the album. It's Just Pure inundation with noise so fairly extreme stuff if you're into that.
