Possible Fairburn Agate Nodule

Took a quick trip out to the Fairburn Agate Beds this past week with my family. Searched around for a bit just to see the agate beds but didn’t expect to find anything. It was quite hot so we didn’t spend too much time there. My wife found one small chip of some agate banding but not very impressive. I spotted a potato and took it home with me. Believe it is an agate fully husked. Glows when shining light through it where the husk is thinner and closest to light. No banding is visible at all. Thinking it could be a phenomenal Fairburn under there, but can’t decide next steps to take.

I don’t have a saw, but I could tumble it. Or maybe take the orbital sander to this one small end that is already quite thin in husk. Thoughts?