obesity is so depressing

i'm on clinical placement for med school and there's just a lot of grief I have for so many lives getting fucked up by bad habits and shitty circumstances. i'd say that 90% of the patients that aren't like 80+ are fat as hell - the non fat ones are the alcoholic men who drank til their stomach ulcers burst.

obese people have just the craziest number of problems in the hospital too. This kind old lady I talk to constantly is very thin and was a pretty intense smoker for most of her life - the worst 'preventable' thing she has is COPD and that's about it. You compare that to a woman with double her BMI and half her age and it's shocking how much unhealthier that person seems.

it's an incredibly sobering experience. You realise that the consultants prescribe a lot of semaglutide on the wards because a lot of fat people are 1. never gonna lose that weight on their own 2. probably have some form of insulin resistance / heart failure / whatever comorbidities their lifestyles surrender them to.