Help I hate university

Sorry to be whiny or annoying or whatever. Enjoy what I study just hating my actual course at the minute.

Honestly just needed to vent and didn’t know where else to do it. I live in the UK & am half way through my first year at uni & there’s just something so off about the teaching style here or something.

I think I’m mostly frustrated because the frameworks they’re offering us are being presented as like radical & fresh & critical but do nothing other than reinforce the current academic orthodoxy. I get that literary criticism has to reflect the world we live in & social climate but I just sort of wish it didn’t. Or at least that discussion doesn’t /always/ need to be filtered through modern social politics. Everything feels disingenuous and repetitive and predictable and I can only pray it gets better next year.

It probably doesn’t help that my cohort were mid-late teens through covid so there’s a general lack of critical thinking regardless. Anyway, idk if I’m articulating myself well in this, I’d consider myself fairly left-leaning in politics & stuff but I feel like we’re just all being force-fed these homogeneous ideas.

I’m actually stuck in a freaky little echo chamber & feel like I’ve been robbed of a true university experience. Academia isn’t about genuine enquiry anymore, it’s all just self preservation.But tbh if I end up getting into a career in literature in the UK (or barista) this is all probably just preparing me. I feel disillusioned and frustrated & upset & bored & feel like I can’t tell anyone without them thinking I’m some fascist.

Any wisdom?