Trump’s Regardation is Going to Secure China’s Rise to Global Superpower Status

Trump’s behaviour towards America’s allies is ensuring that this is going to be the Chinese century. Behaving like a belligerent asshole for no reason towards countries that you are supposed to be partners with is going to force America’s current allies to look elsewhere. The Chinese offer an appealing alternative to dealing with Trump’s bullshit. Say what you will about the CCP’s domestic policy, they have proven to be fairly amicable partners in the field of international relations as can be seen through Belt and Road and other development initiatives. The Chinese have already earned the favour of much of the developing world and with Trump in the Whitehouse; it seems to only be a matter of time before most developed countries begin to look East. I don’t think countries are going to be willing to deal with unprovoked threats of military force or punitive tariffs for very long when a perfectly viable alternative exists in the form of China. It is very ironic that in desperately attempting to reassert America’s strength on the world stage, Trump is likely ensuring its permanent weakening. He is doing all of President Xi’s work for him.