“For Freedom’s Sake” protest quilt
Everyone can make the difference we need, and a diverse community of differing capabilities striving toward a common goal will create a compassionate future.
As a disabled person who is currently living abroad, I’ve been feeling very restless watching and being unable to help my fellow Americans who are getting rights and safety measures taken away. I’ve seen so many people online saying “I don’t know what to do, I’m too young” or “I’m too old” or “I’m in too physically ill to fight and protest” but I want to remind everyone that fighting back comes in countless forms, and we gotta narrow in on the ones we are capable of doing, and joining communities around us.
Joining local community meetings, volunteering at the public library, reading as much as you can, donating goods to food banks, voting on the local and state level, and even more I’m not yet aware of.
If you can’t physically fight back, there are other ways to stand up for justice.
Red — resilience, strength, passion Green/blue blocks — diverse land that makes a harmonious ecosystem and society Golden Yellow — creativity, comfort, approachability