How much water are you drinking?

I felt dehydrated almost the whole time of my pregnancy so far (now at 18 weeks): headaches when I wake up, dry mouth, dry skin, dry lips, while drinking around 80-100 oz of water daily. I finally got a 40oz cup with a straw and now drink 4-5 of them a day, and started adding a little sea salt for electrolytes. I’m feeling better but still thirsty. I’m also craving fruit which I’m told can be a symptom of dehydration. I had to get a second fruit bowl just for mandarin oranges. 🥲 Told my doctor today how much I was drinking and he told me 200 oz (on some days) is insane. He is testing me for gestational diabetes this week. How much water are you drinking? Has anyone had similar situation and tested negative for GD?