Anyone birthed a large baby naturally?
Large babies run in my family. I was almost 10lbs when I was born, my mom was almost 10lbs and my first born was almost 10lbs. When I was 39weeks with my first child, I arrived at the hospital to be induced. The midwife began using scare tactics on me saying there way NO WAY I could birth a large baby naturally (my lower regions would be destroyed, I would never be able to pee normally again, I would look completely messed up down there, baby will get stuck…etc), the only option would be c-section. I went home and cried for hours. What was meant to be an induction turned into me going home and completely fearing birth. The next day I went to see my doctor and she also persuaded me to leave the office and immediately go in for a C-Section so “baby would not grow any larger” … which is what I ended up doing. Now I am pregnant with baby #2. Given my family history, I know that a “large” baby is in the cards. I really would like to avoid a major surgery and try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section.) Should I try for a natural birth or schedule a repeat c-section? Would love to hear from you if you had a large baby naturally. ❤️