GIVEAWAY: Looking to free up some box space. Nothing exciting here, but if you want it - it's yours
All need to find a good home
3 x GMax HA Butterfree 8 x GMax Snorlax 2 x GMax Corviknight 3 x GMax Centiskorch 3 x HA Coalossal 1 x HA Butterfree 12 x HA Corsola 25 x HA Farfetch'd 41 x HA Darumaka 3 x HA Falinks 2 x HA Passimian 2 x 5IV Eevee
If interested, let me know what you want and a room number and I'll get to you as soon as I can
CLOSED: Hopefully I managed to get everyone who needed a trade. That was a manic 3 hours but fun and hopefully I'll do it again very soon