Please tell me it gets easier

I did a Pilates class a year ago and felt so out of my league. Everyone was so into it and seemed like they’ve been doing it for years based on their ability to follow along.

So here comes last week. I thought I would give Pilates another go because I’ve heard about all of the benefits particularly about core strength which I really need to improve. The teacher was really helpful asking if there was anyone new to Pilates and checking in with me through out the class. It was definitely hard. It not as hard as I remembered from a year ago.

The next day however my whole core was so sore. So much so I could hardly go from lying down on the couch to sitting up lol. Please tell me it gets easier the more I go. I can probably go once a week. I really like that it’s low impact and seems to be the perfect way for me to work those core muscles since having my kids. I hate to feel like the new person in the class but I keep telling myself that I have to start somewhere.