Been having trouble with this odd subscription and would like any kind of help.
So, for some context I recently paid for a subscription like a month or two ago. Filed for the free trial I believe. Not too long after did I decide the site wasn’t for me.
Unlike most sites this one had a 'support email' instead of a normal click-to-cancel like most. Which I now know is straight up wrong thanks to the FTC.
So I moved on with my day, having thought that I cancelled this subscription only to be charged. Since then I’ve been trying relentlessly to get this sorted out.
I have tried to contact the provider of the subscription only to get nothing. I filed a complaint to the CFPB which should hopefully do something (back in the 25th of January) I’ve contacted support for my card (for reference I go through redwood) with person on the other end suggesting I get another card. But I’m debating on it. Any tips?