Unheard - A Unique 'Acoustic Detective' Game
I just finished playing Unheard after a couple years (It's already 2025?!) since I played it first on a whim, and I still retain it in my trusty little 'Masterpiece Games' mini-binder.
You get to play as an "Acoustic Detective" who uses a special device to hear voices from the past and solve crimes. Simple premise, very on point execution.. The gameplay is all about listening in on conversation as they happened in a short period of time, and listening to them again and again until you piece together whodunit and how. You have access to a bird's eye map and you can move around following the voices as the occur. I was completely hooked from start to finish. The story is engaging, the characters are complex, and their quite a cool twist in the end that was above the caliber of what I expected from this random indie game I picked up for pennies..
I'd say that Unheard is a must-play for anyone who loves puzzle-adventure games or detective mysteries. It's short (2 hours max), but it's packed with intrigue and it's definitely worth your time.