Thousands of job apps. No job!
Sr. PM with 10+ years of experience - finished contract at large bank was making 200k/yr now 0
Applied to thousands of Sr. PM, and lower level PCO, Analyst jobs etc. For past 8 months nothing. I even started applying 6 months in advance of contract end date thinking it was enough time.
Not 1 interview from any apps! Only interviews from existing connections at the bank. Got turned down for junior jobs after multiple interviews bc I'm overqualified wtf lol.
Recruiters have been almost useless now too, most don't even respond. Rates getting laughably low too.
Even used AI to tailor resume to each job but didn't make a difference
This has to be the worst job market in history. Don't really know what else to do.
Thankfully I don't need a job, have ton of cash, no debt and can live off my passive investments but damn I miss making a G a day!
At this point I may as well just focus on starting some remote business bc the time spent applying is becoming a giant waste.
Anyone in the same boat here?
Ps. Any OErs looking for PM or VA help?