COHB questions
Currently renting a 2 bedroom for just over 800 bucks. But the landlord has expressed renovations and our potential moving out. Which sucks(I know all about N13), but we knew we couldn't stay here forever as we really need a 3 bedroom anyways. Although, on odsp, that makes things extremely tight.
We are in the low income social housing list in our area but the wait is obviously very long. I was looking into the COHB and had a couple questions for anyone who might know.
From my understanding, to be approved for the COHB you have to agree to be removed from housing list, or quality for it if ur not already on it. Is this correct ?
Our current rent is 825, moving we are looking at 1500+ for a 3 bedroom upwards for 1800-1900. Our max with odsp for shelter allowance is 1075. Would they be able to help with any of It?
I read that there was a max limit depending on bedrooms, but wasn't sure if that limit was how much WE were allowed to pay for rent to be eligible. Or if that was the limit THEY would cover. - for example the application says this "the monthly rent for your unit siE must not exceed the limits shown before and says 1091 for 2 and 3 bedrooms"
Is this our total rent can't be more than 1091 for a 3 bedroom because that's not gonna happen. Or is that the max they would cover if we lived in a 3 bedroom
Last question, if we agree to be removed from the housing list, how long can we expect to receive cohb as that's something big to give up of they only provide money for a short time