“Well you get to spoil your child because you only have one…”
I was talking to a family friend yesterday who has 4 children. They are drowning with their finances. With Christmas around the corner we were discussing presents and he said he put his wife on a very strict budget He then said “well I have 4 children so we have to budget and can’t get them everything they want but with one you get to spoil them” It made me laugh internally because I have only got my daughter 1 present for Christmas and we also donated toys and clothes The venom this was spat at me was hilarious It’s not the first time this person has made comments about my decision to be OAD but it’s always a comment after he has explained how much they are struggling with finances or time. As well as being so completely exhausted with life
I wonder if people think they will guilt you into a decision to have more and then you can join them in the misery