help needed 🙏🏻🙏🏻

basically i completed a lot of restaurants and i did the first 5 ish levels of tropical hideout, crazy dog’s carnival and seafood bistro because i got all of them for free while unlocking the yellow gift boxes. i kinda only have 50 gems and i am not a huge fan of the three restaurants that i got for free but i feel like i shld complete them before unlocking something i want and i heard seafood bistro is super duper expensive so…

what restuarant do u think i shld do first or should i just start a new restuarant? thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻

btw to give yall an idea of stuff that i completed and got 3 stars on: fast food, bakery, sports, tgi friday, flipping pancake, party palace, sandwich shop, sushi restaurant