14-15+ hours screen time daily. How quarantine has changed my life and made me lose my mind.
This is a long one. I'm sorry it's just a lot of thoughts...
I am M turning 20 next week. Since quarantine started my life has changed and has basically become mostly screen time for the past few years (since 2020). Even when we returned to school when I came back home I just sat in front of my pc for at least 6-8 hours and did homework there.
Right now I'm in university and on average I still spent 14 hours on screens which are mostly on my computer.
I've seen so many people on social media in the comments having such a huge screen time and I feel like it's become extremely common. I made a poll on my meme page and 28% of the people who voted (maybe 100-200+ people) had a screen time of 12+ hours. It sounds crazy to have 14+ hour daily screen time but in fact I am not alone at all and its really common. Some even have 18+ hours idk how.
On my PC I play video games, talk with friends and laugh for hours on discord, working on side hustles trying to make money, chatting with friends, watching YouTube/anime. I do watch Reels and TikTok but it's like 1-2 hours a day max.
You might think I don't go out or don't socialize but I do. I go out most days for like 1-2 hours with a friend or two to eat, talk and walk a bit. Even when I do go out for a more proper and planned hangout it's for a max of 4-5 hours (really rare to be hanging out for 7-8 hours). And that is because being outside is just straight up boring. You go out, do the same stuff, go to the same places and at some point it gets annoying and you just wanna stay home. Or your friends just wanna go home. There is just nothing to do outside besides talk and walk and I can do the talking part on discord. I even sometimes talk with a single person on discord for like 4-5+ hours having a lot of fun but that is still screen time.
The problem is that the only thing I can do at home is be on my pc. I've looked for different hobbies and people say random a*s stuff like knitting which doesn't interest me at all. I am not interested in books. I've tried drawing but I still look at a screen for reference. You can say I should start working out and I'm planning on that it's just that I want more money for proper meals in order to avoid having 0 to no gains like before and also for other stuff (even if I do start working out it will still take up only 2-3 hours of my day with 10 hours screen time left).
I want to mention that even though I am in university I don't go to lectures because they just straight up suck and I'm doing alright. When I go to them it feels like such a waste of time cause they just read off of presentations or talk really boring stuff that I forget by the time I get home. My university is really easy to graduate and people even joke about it. I don't have a job and I don't want one currently because I want to find success in the stuff I'm working on from my PC. I want to work for myself and not be a miserable student cashier for example.
I've come to the conclusion that some people just either go to work all day or study a lot and go to university and that's how they fill their time. However there are people who don't go to lectures at all, don't work and don't have a pc. I always wonder what the f do other people do. How can you hang out with friends for 10 hours every day and not get bored (I bet they still do the same hangout every day)?? Where do they even hang out. It's winter now and summer is life threatening heat lol?
Some people say they read books. Do they read books for 10 hours a day? Some people say they work out. Do they work out all day? Like is that it? Do people just stare at a blank wall for 5 hours and read a book for 5 more? I remember asking a girl friend what she did that day and she said "cleaning". How? Isn't that like a really unproductive day? You did a single thing the whole day? Let's not even talk about the people that have no friends. Most of them probably don't go out much cause they have nobody to do go out with. Then what do they do at home? I really have no idea what else to do besides screen time when everything from work, hobbies and socializing is on my pc.
Funny thing is I gave up on being a programmer because I thought about how my life would be 8 hours on a computer typing code and then 2-3 more hours at home for hobbies (gaming and entertainment) for the rest of my life.
I don' want to spend all my life on my PC and I do know it will change someday but so far it has been like this for 4-5 years and idk what to do. I've had so many worries regarding this and I've felt horrible and miserable quite a lot (asking other people about their screen time and what they do, obsessing about screen time). Searching up stuff online like ("14 hours screen time") just so that I wouldn't feel alone in this position. After seeing a few comments and TikToks/Reels I know there are so many people like me. Also at some point you run out of things to play/watch and you just sit there miserably and this has happened quite a lot unfortunately
After banging my head against a wall I've come to the point where I don't care that much about my screen time because I know plenty of people are like me and that there isn't much I can do besides be on my PC when at home. Nowadays I can say I am sort of enjoying it because when you balance work with gaming it's decent. I do still think about my screen time and it bothers me sometimes unfortunately and I do get really bored from time to time. I don't know when it's gonna end. I sort of like living like this and also want to change because I don't want to spend my whole life like this but I also don't.
I always think PC screen time is better than phone screen time. Some people spend all that 14 hour screen time only on their phone and I always wonder how. I can't watch TikTok/Reels for more than an hour or two per day. They don't play games, they don't do any work and some don't even have friends to talk to. They just sit in bed all day 17 hours on their phone then sleep. I do feel better comparing myself to those people but at the end of the day they are just like me. It's just that they are on the phone.
I want to mention that I consider myself an introverted person and I like staying home but it's just that there is nothing else to do at home besides sit on my PC. I remember as a kid when I stayed 9-10 hours on my laptop one day and felt horrible but now it's impossible for me to have less than 8 hours. I have no idea what I filled my time up with as a kid besides doing homework and going out sometimes. I used to game back then too but it was moderate. I feel like I've lost my mind and forgot my childhood days.
I remember back in 2019 I had a summer where I forced myself to go out so I don't spend as much time on my PC (It wasn't 14+ hours back then and I have no idea how). Eventually I got so tired of going out with the same people and doing the same stuff every time in the extreme heat that eventually I got fed up from it and said "I'm not going out ever" and just stayed at home on my PC and hanged out with friends only a few times in whole full year (perhaps this has affected my mental health and contributed to my issue). This summer I didn't have a lot of people to go out with so I just stayed on my PC. In July I went out like 3 times no joke.
I want to hear some thoughts and suggestions. Thinking about my screen time has been a thought that has been stuck in my head every day for years and it has affected my mental health. I feel like I've gone insane thinking about it. When will it change? How can I change it? Do I want to change? Am I an addict? What do other people do?
Is this just how life is? Statistics show that the average person spends 6 times a day screen time. Are some people just doomed to spend a few years of their life only on their PC? This quarantine has really f*c**d a lot of people's lives turning it into mine and time has been going 3x for some reason. One year of PC has quickly turned into 4.
Another thing is that I've completely lost my mind constantly thinking about the passage of time: "Okay today I've woken up at ... o'clock I've done that, that, that then where did the other 2 hours go?". Constantly adding up the times spent on doing different things to see if it makes sense compared to the time it has passed since my day started. This has driven me CRAZY. It's almost like I'm trying to maximize productivity (spending quality time on hobbies and other stuff). It's like I want to optimize my life to have the best experience every damn day which is impossible of course. I don't know how time passes so fast but I've lost my sanity thinking about it every day. Even some days when I go out time just flies by. I can't live my life peacefully without thinking about how quickly time is going or doing math with hours spent on activities. I've tried to stop thinking about this stuff and just live my life but I always get back to it. Another thing is having thoughts like "Okay now it's 6pm I have X amount of hours to spend on my PC before going to bed". Am I an addict? Do I need therapy? What do I do? What will the other people like me do? Have the other people like me also spent years living like this or are they in that position only this year? Am I overthinking it? Am I the only one stressing about this for YEARS? Is everything fine? A lot of people are like me or worse so it's fine, right?
Maybe I just worry too much cause think about all the programmers who will spend all their life in front of a screen? Do they worry too? Does it bother them too? Maybe hearing all these talks about screen time as a child and thinking about it from a young age has had a really negative effect on me. Some people are probably not bothered at all by screen time.
I am worried that the replies will be from extroverted people who have an average daily screen time of 12 minutes who will view me as some psycho.
P.S: I spent 2 hours typing this (I thought it was an only an hour when I checked 30 mins ago. HELP how did time fly so quickly). I also had asked a girl how much is her screen time and she said 2 hours. HOW WHEN THIS POST TOOK ME 2 HOURS.