“My bb is sleeping 6 hour stretches!!!!” Ugh

Can I vent? I’m just truly envious. I crashed out at our 3AM feed because I’ve just been in the thick of having a 6 week old with the fussiness, crying, and contact napping all day. LO is gonna be 7 weeks tomorrow and I love the sh*t outta him. But man am I tired sometimes.

He’s formula fed. Still wakes up for 3 feeds overnight. With the feeding, keeping upright due to reflux, and then soothing back to sleep, he goes 2 hours from the start of his one feed to the next, but is only sleeping about 1.5 hours each time. Which is fine. And normal. I know.

But tonight I found myself comparing to some moms in my stupid FB group (the kind where we were all due in the same month) and how their unicorn babies are sleeping through the night at this age. And I just feel sad sometimes. I can’t help it, I hate comparing myself but sometimes when we’re deep in the trenches it’s just the one thing that makes me lose it. :(