Looking for success stories on going from cosleeping to bassinet
My girl is 10.5 weeks right now. I started cosleeping at around 4 weeks because thats when she decided she hated her bassinet. I despise it so much. My hips and lower back are killing me from side sleeping, I wake up every time she moves or makes a noise, and it just makes me so anxious. Plus all daytime naps are contact naps in the carrier and I am just so touched out.
I really want to start working on getting her to sleep independently in between the 12 week and 16 week mark. But considering she will not sleep at all in anyway unless she’s touching me, I have no clue how we’re gonna get there.
I know I’m not the only one who’s been through this, so I’m looking for some tips and tricks on how to accomplish this (no cry it out!) from people who have successfully gotten their baby out of their bed before they were a toddler. What should I do to get her to start sleeping independently during the day and at night?