The Queen Cleopatra show is triggering and a complete disrespect to every Egyptian and potentially Greek person
As an Egyptian, what Netflix just did with Cleopatra is triggering, It understand that you want to be more diverse with the cast in your shows but when you represent historical events you HAVE to be accurate. Cleopatra was indeed an Egyptian queen but she was white of Macedonian descent. Some people will say she had an Egyptian side, which is not true, but even if she did, Egyptians were not black or white. Egyptians lived along the Nile valley for centuries and probably millenniums developing their own characteristics and skin color of a golden tanned ~wheat like~ skin tone, for reference you can use GOOGLE and look at any antient Egyptian statue or wall painting and look at what color it is, or ask anyone you know that visited Egypt before.
What Netflix is doing here is following an Afrocentrism movement that is wrongly trying to steal Egyptian History and culture to assign it to central Africans for no historical reason just because we live on the same continent, when they had their own History and culture very far away from Egypt. I have no hate towards central africans, we are all humans we all live together, but we will not stand and watch other people steal my ancestry and history and just wave.
What Netflix did is not acceptable and I am sure it will not end here, with more Afrocentric shows to come, trying to steal more Egyptian heritage and maybe another culture after.
My tone in this post might feel a bit aggressive but that's what you have to do when you're watching someone trying to rob your identity, but regardless, I apologize for that.