It’s time to admit Franz is better than Paolo

Box score stats this season:

Paolo: 22/7/5 on 51% ts

Franz: 25/6/5 on 57% ts

Advanced stats:

Paolo: -.1 vpm, 0 epm, .6 lebron, .6 Darko (only ranked in top 100 with one stat where he was ranked 99th)

Franz: 3.8 vpm, 5 epm, 2.3 LeBron, 2.3 Darko (ranked top 25 in almost every stat)

On/off numbers:

Franz+Banchero: -5.09 net rating

Banchero without franz: -8.31 net rating

Franz without Banchero: 10.04 net rating

I’m already expecting comments telling me to watch the games, but I have. If you watch objectively you would notice Banchero isn’t a good defender and ball hogs.

Don’t talk to me about the difference in rotations because that would only explain on/off, not the other stats.
