Notes from the Q+A 🥱😴
*She said that asking God for wisdom and discernment is part of the answer for everything.
How to avoid overwhelm/overstimulation? - Use noise-canceling headphones.
How to find a church? - Church is important and you should go a lot. They have a podcast about this.
How to teach kids the Bible if you didn’t grow up in church? - Set a good foundation for your kids by feeding yourself the truth of God’s Word. - Use a children’s Bible and her app.
How do you deal with body changes with pregnancy and postpartum? - She’s okay because she’s bearing children and it’s a blessing. She loves her one stretch mark from J1’s pregnancy. - Just wear dresses and skirts.
How do you balance homemaking and work? - Don’t try. It’ll ebb and flow during different seasons. - She says she outsources everything except filming.
Do you ever lose your cool? You seem so balanced in mothering. - She does because she’s human. As quickly as possible ask your kids for forgiveness and repent to the Lord.
Is intimacy the same after having more kids? - In her experience it has only gotten better. - It’s a tactic of the enemy that it doesn’t. Sex is a gift from the Lord.
How to build a stronger marriage during child-bearing years? - They’re making a podcast on how to avoid being roommates in marriage. - Don’t make your children an idol or the foundation. - Prioritize intimacy and communication.
How to heal from putting your value in productivity? - Your value comes from being a daughter of Christ. - The Lord loves us no matter what. It’s not about the tasks we do. - She told one of her mentees to find all God’s attributes in Scripture and to focus on that.
What is something that has been exciting to you lately? - She doesn’t have a good answer. - She said she’s just fine-tuning her systems.
Wedding ring? - She said her first ring doesn’t fit anymore and her moissanite she got after A2 broke. - The moissanite stone fell out while she was in her car in the church parking lot. Her MIL prayed and found it. - Now she can’t find the ring anywhere. She’s not sure if it got stolen or vacuumed. - She admits now that the ring was too big and not her style (anymore). - She bought her current $14 ring from Amazon.
Disciplining? - She’s finally found what works for their family. - She admits she’s only 5 years into motherhood. - She’s correcting, teaching and disciplining them with the Bible. - She follows a script every single time. She will share some scripts. - People tell her that her kids are well-behaved.
When to start disciplining? - As soon as they can disobey, teach them to obey. - ~16 months - She says she is a retired gentle parent. It has been easier with the younger kids. - She said she only speaks on things when she has been released to.